
New Location!

I love finding new spots and while I pride myself on being a big dork because I drive around all the time hunting for new locations to shoot, I can't take any of the credit for this one.  My mom actually found this top secret location and I love it so much I plan on doing my Holiday Mini Sessions here!  Stay tuned for more details.

We played around a lot last night and I had some of my favorite people out to test out various concepts for the minis.  I love these two like my own and was just giddy when viewing the pictures.  Cora had a bad wrap bc she wanted nothing to do with having her picture made on our last attempt, but it was like night and day this time.  We only had about 10 minutes to play and this is what I got.  Are they not the cutest??
Its driving me batty that the color looks so blah on here.  On my screen it is so vibrant!  Oh well, you will have to use your imagination.

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