
My baby

OK, I know I am biased, but isn't my baby girl just adorable!  Yes, these are from the 4th of JULY!!  That is how far behind I am with posting and even looking at pictures of her.  Thankfully, I still take lots of photos, I just never have time to look at them.  All photos of Mia Grace are listed under inspiration on my website, and she is just that!  I hope that all you moms out there feel the same way as I do when I see precious photos of my little girl.  That is why I LOVE my job! Enjoy her.
This next one is my absolute fav.  Maybe I can convince Mike that we NEED a canvas of this in our house.  I so need more wall space!  This photo is so anthropologie to me ... oh, so my style~

1 comment:

Marla said...

LOVE those. She is adorable!!