I am SO excited! I got my first professional lense (50mm f1.8) right before we left for Houston this weekend. It is amazing and completely helps me get the desired effect I've been trying to get forever. I am now completely obsessed ... as if it could get any worse. I will never get tired of taking photos of Mia Grace. While I love doing mini-shoots with her, my real joy comes from following her around and capturing her life as she lives it. I know she will really appreciate all the pictures one day (and if she doesn't, I certainly will!) Here are the photos from our trip to Houston (totally out of order, whoops) for a friend's wedding. We stayed with Mike's friend from college and his wife. They were so hospitable and BRAVE to have us for the weekend. As you can see, they are expecting a little girl in May! Tara, Will, Mike and Mia Grace at the park
A few photos I snapped at the wedding. I LOVE this photo of Mia Grace and Tommy (the bride's nephew). Tommy is only 5 weeks older than Mia Grace. His mom, Adrienne, and I have become great long distance friend's through email, believe it or not!
She's checking him out, I love the head tilt ... how cute!
A quick attempt at a family shot. Mike and I guided at Wilderness Ranch with David and Adrienne (brother and sister-in-law of the bride).
This could quite possibly be one of favorite photos of all time ... and I can't believe I was the photographer! I am not bragging. You will see what I mean. Try clicking on the image to enlarge it for your complete viewing pleasure!
Just look at his face! He looks completely stunned ... complete with drool and all! I can't help but think of Adam when I see this photo. This must be what he looked like after God created Eve and he layed eyes on her for the first time. Priceless. I have been trying to come up with a title/caption for it. So, leave me a comment with what you think I should title it. The winner might just be in for a little treat!
Adrienne took this photo for me (with a little love, me style processing of course). Thanks A for taking this photo! Great Job by the way, I love it!These last few are from the way to Houston on Friday. We stopped half way to let Mia Grace play for a bit. I have never seen her be so wild on the playground. I guess that's what 3 hours in a car seat will do to ya! This was my very first go with my new lense (in full sun, yikes!). What do you think?